Coffee Crunch Ice Cream

Welcome to MJ's Kitchen
Today's recipe is Coffee Crunch Ice Cream
Let's start

- Watch the video on youtube:

to make Coffee Crunch Ice Cream we need:
2 Cups Whipping Cream,
¾ Cup Chocolate Chips,
3 tbsp Coffee,
1 Cup Condensed Milk,
recipe of Condensed milk I already shared with you, here is the link:
& 3 tbsp Hot Water.

- Mix Coffee & hot water in a bowl.
- then add condensed milk & mix it well.
- now beat the whipping cream for a minute.
- now add the mixture of Coffee, water & condensed milk & beat it again so well.
- now add chocolate chips & fold these with spatula.
- now transfer the ice cream into an air tight container.
- garnish with chocolate chips
- close the lid and put in freezer for 8 hours or overnight
- serve it once frozen.
- Give it a thumbs up if you like this recipe,
- share it forward & subscribe to my channel, Good bye.
- Watch the video on youtube:
